Wednesday 6 May 2009

Prostitution.... x

I wasnt sure whether to write about this topic or not. It is clearly an example of 'being bad' but i like to try and portray both arguments but i dont know if i can here...
I can't understand prostitutes at all. i know it must be very hard to need money that badly and for that i do feel for them, but to sell your own body?! Even the thought of it disgusts me!!
Prostitution is not only morally wrong, it is also very dangerous! How can a person feel safe whlist getting into a strangers car, offering sex?? The person could attack them, rape them or worse kill them!! And all of this risk for what? Money for drugs? a buzz? surely there are better safer ways!!
Comment: After reading this blog my opinion has changed slighty on prostitution. Before i wished we could find some way of getting rid of it forever, as impossible as it seems, but this blog provided what i feel is a better solution. If prostitution was legalised then it could be controlled. This would result in no one getting hurt and it would become a less disgusting act. Girls wouldnt have to be scared all the time, they could be in control of their bodies knowing that there was someone there to protect them!
I think prostitution is a VERY important issue that urgently needs to be dealt with in one way or another....

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