Thursday 7 May 2009

Music and films... x

Although this topic doesnt immediately spring to mind when thinking of the topic being bad i think it is important. Music and films do greatly influence our behaviour (just as celebrities do, as explained in a previous blog)
It has been proven that horror films has increased crime rates within certain societies. Whether this is due to people trying to copy those they watch on the film or whether it is from these films that people get ideas it is not yet known!
It seems an obvious conclusion that if someone watches violence on a screen they are more likely to copy it. After all psychology teaches us that we learn through role models and imitating behaviours! Even though we are aware of this parents still let their children watch violent films... is it really safe?!
Moving on to music now lol...
It has been discovered that listening to heavy metal music or rock music can increase levels of hostility and aggression!! Surely something shold be done about this?
Maybe its just me but i find Marilyn Manson very scary, i mean just look at that picture!! Is that really something we want our kids growing up looking at?
I think that we should be more careful what people listen to and watch, especially when they are at a impressionable age!

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