Wednesday 6 May 2009

Bullying.... x

Bulling is very common these days and it happens everywhere, from the school playground to the adults workplace. But why do people bully?
The answer to this question is simple; To make themselves feel better! Everyone thinks that bullies are big, strong and not afraid of anything but the truth is people who bully often have low self esteem and need to make other people feel bad to make themselves feel better. That isnt strong in my opinion, infact it is very weak!!
There is a type of bullying that people can do without even meaning to, its called scapegoating. This is something which when i 1st rwad about it i instantly found to be true...
In every group of friends there is always one person who will be the butt of the jokes and who perhaps isnt treated as well as the rest. This person may also be blamed for things which aren't their falt. People, girls especially, can do this sub conciously but after reading about it i realised that i do it myself. I did some research into it and asked a few people i know and they too admitted they were guilty of scape goating! This happens everywhere from the playgroung to in people's own family! It just shows what a terrible world we all live in when no one can honestly say they have never bullied anyone!!!
Around a third of all boys and a quarter of girls admit they have bullied someone and 31% of us experience some kind of bullying as we grow up.

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