Friday 1 May 2009

Body Modification..... x

Body Modification can be defined as the intentional alteration of the human body for non-medical reasons. Examples of this are tattoos and peircings; both of these the majority of people have so why do some people consider them bad?

Another example of body modification which is not very common within our society comes from China.
In their society rich women used to like having small feet so to achieve this a girls feet were bound in tight bandages when they were very young to prevent them from growing! You can see from the image the effect this has on the feet, not pretty at all!!
Luckily this died out in the 1930s.

This image shows how some people can become obsessed with modifying their bodies. In my personal opinion i wouldnt want to look like this even for a halloween costume but some people spend their lifes making themselves look this way!
People have a problem with body modification because they think that God made us the way we are and we shouldnt ruin that by inking our bodies or peircing holes in it. I dont agree with this view; although i only have my ears peirced i cant wait to get my first tattoo (with i should be getting in the next month wooo). I can understand how extreme cases of body modification can offend people but it isnt our right to judge what others do with themselves.....

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