Sunday 15 March 2009

Masturbation... x

Unfortunately i missed the lecture for this topic so i decided to do some research on it myself;

Masturbation is still a very taboo subject in society. Some people are embarrased about it and others feel it is wrong. I came across this American website....
this is an example of how strongly some people feel against acts of masturbation. They even go as far as saying parents should make their children sleep with boxing gloves on to resist temptation !!!!!!!!

Although many poeple wont talk about the subject it still happens more then we imagine. So is it right or wrong?
Everyone is different and no opinion on this subject will ever be right.
Some people just dont feel comfortable enough with their sexuality to experiment and touch theirselves whereas others feel there is nothing wrong with satisfying your own needs.
Many people actually do indulge themselves but dont like to admit it. It is mainly males who talk freely about how often they 'do it' and to them it is a way to show off infront of each other. On the other hand girls are more shy about the subject and dont really like to talk about it with their friends.
As u can see the topic of masturbation is one which is very complex and the opinion on it will change from person to person! Personally i think that taking away a child's bedroom door and making them wear boxing gloves is a bit extreme but each to their own lol :)

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